# MOCKS for autodoc
import quantities as pq
if pq.__module__ == 'sphinx.ext.autodoc.mock':
pq.pA = pq.nA = pq.mV = pq.ms = pq.Hz = 1
[docs]class BasePublication:
A base class with common parameters. Subclasses of this class are used as mix-in classes to set the
parameters of generic tests. E.g. A generic InputResistanceTest is combined with the publication Yu2015 by
creating a specific "class InputResistanceTestYu2015(Yu2015, InputResistanceTest)"
ss_delay = 1000 * pq.ms # Delay before stimulus
current_duration = 1000 * pq.ms # Current injection time
sag_window = 100 * pq.ms # The value of membrane potential at this time after stimulus to use, if the voltage never drops below sag_testing_voltage
temperature = 35 # The temperature at which measurements were performed in the paper
threshold_method = 'dv/dt=20' # The definition of AP threshold 'dv/dt=20' or 'd3v/dt3'
sag_testing_voltage = -90 * pq.mV # The level from which sag voltage is measured
rebound_rest_time = 1000 * pq.ms # The amount of time to wait after stopping inhibitory current
rebound_ap_method = "sag" # Method to test for rebound spikes "sag" or "-300pA"
spike_train_method = "target_freq" # The method used to generate spike trains "target_freq" or "constant"
required_capabilities = () # To meet interface requirements
[docs]class Angelo2012(BasePublication):
''' Angelo et. al. (2012) A biophysical signature of network affiliation and sensory processing in mitral cells '''
current_duration = 1500 * pq.ms
temperature = 36
sag_testing_voltage = -103.5 * pq.mV # LJP is not reported. Assuming uncorrected for 13.5mV, so cell was at 103.5mV
[docs]class BurtonUrban2014(BasePublication):
''' Burton and Urban (2014) Greater excitability and firing irregularity of tufted cells underlies distinct afferent-evoked activity of olfactory bulb mitral and tufted cells '''
current_duration = 2000 * pq.ms
temperature = 37
sag_testing_voltage = -103 * pq.mV # Paper used -90mV but with unccorected 13mV LJP so cell was at -103 mV
ahp_time_method = 'threshold2amplitude50%'
ahp_amplitude_method = 'threshold2minWithin10ms'
rebound_ap_method = "sag"
spike_train_target_freq = 20*pq.Hz
[docs]class BurtonUrban2015(BurtonUrban2014):
''' Burton & Urban (2015) Rapid Feedforward Inhibition and Asynchronous Excitation Regulate Granule Cell Activity in the Mammalian Main Olfactory Bulb'''
temperature = 32
[docs]class Yu2015(BasePublication):
''' Yu et. al. (2015) Postnatal development attunes olfactory bulb mitral cells to high-frequency signaling '''
current_duration = 2000 * pq.ms # Current injection time
sag_testing_voltage = -103.5 * pq.mV # LJP is not corrected. Assuming 13.5mV, so cell was at 103.5mV
sag_window = 120 * pq.ms
threshold_method = 'd3v/dt3'
ahp_time_method = 'threshold2min'
ahp_amplitude_method = 'threshold2min'
spike_train_target_freq = 30 * pq.Hz
[docs]class Hu2016(BasePublication):
''' Hu et. al. (2016) Hyperpolarization-Activated Currents and Subthreshold Resonance in Granule Cells of the Olfactory Bulb '''
temperature = 32
sag_testing_voltage = -103.5 * pq.mV # LJP is not corrected. Assuming 13.5mV, so cell was at 103.5mV
[docs]class JohnsonDelaney2010(BasePublication):
''' Johnson and Delaney (2010) Synaptic Activation of T-Type Ca2+ Channels Via mGluR Activation in the Primary Dendrite of Mitral Cells '''
temperature = 35
current_duration = 4000 * pq.ms
rebound_ap_method = "-300pA"
[docs]class Zibman2011(BasePublication):
temperature = 22
current_duration = 500 * pq.ms
spike_train_method = "constant_current"
spike_train_current = 0.100*pq.nA
[docs]class Stroh2012(BasePublication):
''' Stroh et. al. (2012) NMDA Receptor-Dependent Synaptic Activation of TRPC Channels in Olfactory Bulb Granule Cells '''
temperature = 21
adp_current_duration = 1*pq.ms
adp_current_amplitude = 1000*pq.pA
[docs]class Abraham2010(BasePublication):
temperature = 24.5
[docs]class Hovis2010(BasePublication):
temperature = 35
[docs]class Shpak2012(BasePublication):
temperature = 22
[docs]class Christie2005(BasePublication):
temperature = 33.5
[docs]class Fukunaga2012(BasePublication):
temperature = 36