Source code for olfactorybulb.neuronunit.tests

# MOCKS for autodoc
import quantities as pq
if pq.mV.__class__.__module__ == 'sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer':
    pq.mV = = pq.Hz = pq.nA = 1.0

from abc import abstractmethod

from neuronunit import capabilities as ncap
from neuronunit.tests.base import VmTest
from olfactorybulb.neuronunit.tests.utilities import get_APs, cache
from sciunit import capabilities as scap

from olfactorybulb.neuronunit import capabilities as obncap
from olfactorybulb.neuronunit.tests import publications


[docs]class OlfactoryBulbCellTest(VmTest):
[docs] @abstractmethod def generate_prediction_nocache(self, model): pass
[docs] def generate_prediction(self, model): # import pydevd # pydevd.settrace('', port=4200, suspend=False) result = self.fetch_cached(model) if result is None: # Check that self has all the required properties self.check_required_properties() # Perform the uncached test try: result = self.generate_prediction_nocache(model) except: import traceback result = traceback.format_exc() if SHOW_ERRORS: print(result) # Store result in cache self.store_in_cache(model, result) return result
[docs] def check_required_properties(self): if hasattr(self, "required_properties"): for prop in self.required_properties: if not hasattr(self, prop): raise Exception("Property '" + prop + "' not found. Make sure the property is declared either in the" " generic test class or in the publication class.")
[docs] def fetch_cached(self, model): return cache.get(self.get_hash(model))
[docs] def store_in_cache(self, model, result):, result)
[docs] def get_hash(self, model): # The cache key is a hash of the model and the test - we want to store the model-test_result combination model_hash = model.__hash__() self_hash = self.__hash__() return hash((model_hash, self_hash))
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def get_dependent_prediction(self, dependent_test_class_generic, model): # import pydevd # pydevd.settrace('', port=4200) mro = self.__class__.mro() if len(mro) < 4: raise Exception("The test should be a class that inherits from a publications class" "AND from a generic tests class, in that order. E.g. " "'class MyTest(UrbanBurton2014, InputResistanceTest):'") # Create a temp class that inherits from the generic test and from the specific publication # Aways first parent class (by convention and to preserve inheritance) publication_class = mro[1] if not issubclass(publication_class, publications.BasePublication): raise Exception("The first parent class '"+str(publication_class)+"' of the test should be a publication class. E.g. 'class MyTest(UrbanBurton2014, InputResistanceTest):'") if not issubclass(dependent_test_class_generic, OlfactoryBulbCellTest): raise Exception("The second parent class '"+dependent_test_class_generic.__class__.__name__+"' of the test should be a class that inherits from OlfactoryBulbCellTest. E.g. 'class MyTest(UrbanBurton2014, InputResistanceTest):'") # Use SomeTestSomeAuthor1984 class name form - as descibed in BasePublication dependent_test_class_name = dependent_test_class_generic.__name__ + publication_class.__name__ # Create the type dynamically dependent_test_class = type(dependent_test_class_name, (publication_class, dependent_test_class_generic), {}) # Instantiate the dynamic class dependent_test = dependent_test_class() # Get the prediction (from cache if there) return dependent_test.generate_prediction(model)
[docs]class OlfactoryBulbCellSpikeTest(OlfactoryBulbCellTest): required_capabilities = (ncap.ReceivesSquareCurrent, ncap.ProducesMembranePotential, scap.Runnable, obncap.SupportsSettingTemperature, obncap.SupportsSettingStopTime)
[docs] def get_aps(self, voltage): return get_APs(voltage, self.ss_delay, self.threshold_method)