Source code for olfactorybulb.slicebuilder.nrn

from prev_ob_models.Birgiolas2020.isolated_cells import *
from olfactorybulb.database import CellModel, Odor, OdorGlom

[docs]class SliceBuilderNRN: """ Establishes an interface for Blender to load cells into NEURON """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Starts NEURON, creates a BlenderNEURON node, and adds methods to the node that Blender can call. """ # Load NRN from neuron import h, gui # Connect to Blender addon from blenderneuron.neuronstart import BlenderNEURON as addon # Add methods that can be called from Blender addon.server.register_function(self.get_base_model_info) addon.server.register_function(self.create_cell) addon.server.register_function(self.get_odor_gloms) # Keep track of cells self.cells = { "MC": [], "TC": [], "GC": [], }
[docs] def get_base_model_info(self): """ Returns metadata information from the model database about each base cell model. A base cell model is a NEURON model of a cell with a representative morphology centered at the origin and rotated so the apical dendrites are aligned with the Z axis. The based models are positioned within layers, and oriented appropriately. MC and TC lateral dendrites are also modified so they follow the curvature of the external plexiform layer. :return: A tuple of mc, tc, and gc dictionaries of metadata """ mc_base_models = self.get_model_info('MC') tc_base_models = self.get_model_info('TC') gc_base_models = self.get_model_info('GC') return mc_base_models, tc_base_models, gc_base_models
[docs] def get_model_info(self, cell_type='MC'): """ Returns the list of metadata of base cell models of a given cell type. See olfactorybulb.database.CellModel for metadata field names. :param cell_type: One of 'MC', 'TC', or 'GC' :return: A dictionary of base cell model class names and their metadata """ return { cm["class_name"]: cm for cm in CellModel \ .select() \ .where((CellModel.source_id == 'Birgiolas (2020)') & (CellModel.cell_type == cell_type)) \ .order_by(CellModel.class_name) .dicts() \ }
[docs] def create_cell(self, type, class_name): """ Creates an instance of a base cell model in NEURON. :param type: One of 'MC', 'TC', or 'GC' :param class_name: One of the cell classes in prev_ob_models.Birgiolas2020.isolated_cells :return: The name that NEURON gives to the cell soma segment e.g. 'MC5[0].soma' """ exec ("cell = " + class_name + "()") self.cells[type].append(cell) return str(
[docs] def get_odor_gloms(self, odors): """ Gets the list of glomerular ids that are activated by the specified list of odors :param odors: A list of odor names, or 'all' :return: List of glomerulus ids, or None when 'all' odors were specified """ if odors == 'all': return None result = set() for odor in odors: odor_gloms = OdorGlom \ .select(OdorGlom.glom_id) \ .distinct() \ .join(Odor) \ .where( == odor) for glom in odor_gloms: result.add(glom.glom_id) return list(result)