Olfactory Bulb Model Documentation ========================================= .. image:: files_static/logo.png This is the documentation site for the `olfactory bulb model `_ developed by `Justas Birgiolas Ph.D. `_ - Model Website: https://olfactorybulb.org/ - Documentation (this site): https://docs.olfactorybulb.org/ - Source Code Repository: https://github.com/justasb/olfactorybulb - Pre-built Docker Images: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/jbirgio/olfactory-bulb - Ph.D. Dissertation Describing the Model: `Towards Brains in the Cloud: A Biophysically Realistic Computational Model of Olfactory Bulb `_ The model and related `BlenderNEURON model editing tool `_ were developed in collaboration with `researchers at the ICON Lab at Arizona State University `_. Citation ======== If you use this model in your project, please cite it as follows: :: @phdthesis{birgiolas2019towards, title={Towards Brains in the Cloud: A Biophysically Realistic Computational Model of Olfactory Bulb}, author={Birgiolas, Justas}, year={2019}, school={Arizona State University} } Table of Contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 gettingstarted visualizing recreating cloud olfactorybulb Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`